What's Driving Your PCOS Symptoms? An Interview with The Hormone Dietitian, Melissa Groves Azzaro, RDN, LD

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Hi there! I'm so excited to share this interview with Melissa Groves Azzaro, RDN, LD with you. Melissa is The Hormone Dietitian (believe me, she deserves the title.) And she was gracious enough to answer your questions about PCOS, health, and hormones.

Links and Resources

PCOS Period Success Webinar (attend for Root Cause Roadmap course discount and valuable information):


Root Cause Roadmap Course


A Balanced Approach to PCOS Book


Melissa’s Website and Root Cause Quiz


Melissa’s Instagram



00:00 Introduction

01:21 Melissa's Journey to becoming the hormone dietitian.

05:45 What is the root cause approach to PCOS and how does it differ from the conventional approach to treating PCOS?

07:13 Can PCOS be reversed?

09:00 How long should someone stick to changes before expecting to see improvements in their PCOS symptoms? And once they see improvements, how long should they continue with those changes?

12:28 How important is it to go gluten-free or dairy-free if you have PCOS? 16:13 What are your thoughts about the birth control pill?

17:30 What can be done to offset the negative side effects of oral contraceptives?

19:05 What should someone with PCOS and insulin resistance focus on to improve their insulin sensitivity/ blood sugar balance?

20:22 Which supplements balance hormones? DHEA? Vitex?

24:16 How do you naturally increase progesterone? 26:40 What role does CBD play in balancing hormones and PCOS?

29:26 What tests do you recommend to determine the root cause of your PCOS? When should you stop testing and work on the hormones you’ve already tested?

32:03 How do you workout without increasing stress hormones?

34:55 Any tips for staying positive and avoiding the 'why me' mindset? It's so hard to love and trust my body when something's not working properly.

Yoga for PCOS Playlist


PCOS & Carbs Playlist


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