Live Fertile

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Live Fertile Principle #5: Integrative Exploration

Whoo! Between my recent move (I moved from TX to the Midwest at the end of April), filming prenatal yoga videos for a colleague’s membership site, and wrapping up with my BCBSTX clients, I really fell behind with blogging. Sorry, friend.

Anyhow, if you've subscribed to my YouTube channel, there’s a chance you didn’t fall behind in this series and have already seen the rest of the videos. If not, feel free to head over there to watch the last three videos or hang around here for the blog posts that (usually) accompany them.

This week, we’re chatting about one of my favorite topics and one of my favorite principles in the Live Fertile Philosophy, Integrative Exploration. Integrative Exploration is where we really get to have some fun trying new (to you, many of these practices have been around for hundreds or even thousands of years. Please remember that when trying a practice that has a long history of use in a culture that is different from your own. Not having western scientific evidence is not the same thing as having no evidence… Cultural humility goes a long way.)

In this video, I shared five of my favorite integrative modalities and practices to incorporate into my fertility wellbeing self-care routine:

  1. Aromatherapy

    As a certified aromatherapist, I’m a huge proponent of the responsible use of essential oils. Using essential oils can be a lovely way to support your body and mind while addressing the underlying factors that help or hinder your reproductive health. For example, if your sleep has taken a hit, you can use relaxing oils before bed to wind down in preparation for a restful night’s sleep. Good sleep supports your fertility, so doing practices that lead to good sleep supports your fertility.

    It’s not about using an oil to make your body more fertile, it’s about using an oil to create an internal and external environment that gives rise to your innate fertility. See the difference? If not, no worries. We’ll be diving into the distinction between the two in future videos and posts.

  2. Herbalism

    I really got into herbalism in 2016. In the following years, my interest waned but it’s back in full force now. My approach to herbalism is very similar to my approach to aromatherapy (and just about everything). It’s all about supporting your body. A super simple way to get started with herbalism (and my preferred way) is to add herbs and spices to meals and snacks. They’re full of antioxidants that protect your body from oxidative damage and they make food more enjoyable. Pleasure is often a missing piece on the fertility wellness journey. Adding herbs and spices is a simple way to add that pleasure in.

  3. Contemplative practices

    Yoga, meditation, journaling, prayer, Qi gong, and any other form of contemplation can be incredibly soothing to the nervous system. And anytime we soothe the nervous system and get into the rest and digest mode, we’re doing something beautiful for our reproductive and overall health. One of my fertility yoga teacher trainers explained it this way, when we are in the rest and digest state, our blood flows to the core, where the reproductive organs are. This nourishes the reproductive organs and sets the stage for pregnancy. I often think about it this way, when we are in the rest and digest state, our bodies sense that they are safe. That we are safe. That this is a safe environment that can sustain another life. I’m convinced a sense of safety is crucial for fertility.

  4. Shinrin-yoku (forest bathing)

    This Japanese practice is one of my go-to’s. Nature is an amazing healer and teacher. Shinrin-yoku aka Forest Bathing is a wonderful way to interact with nature. The idea is to spend unrushed, unhurried time in nature. It’s that simple and that hard. Give it a go.

  5. Massage/ myofascial release

    This one is the one I’m still getting acquainted with. I recently got my first Mayan Abdominal Massage, and friend, it was divine. My favorite thing about it was the focus on education. The massage therapist taught me an at-home massage routine to practice daily(-ish…) According, to my massage therapist, regular abdominal massage can release tension, improve circulation to the organs, and increase cervical mucus production. I’ll be sharing more about my experience with the massage in a future post. I’ll also be sharing a myofascial release/ self-massage for fertility video soon. So stay tuned for that.

I hope you enjoy trying out some new practice and I hope you enjoy the video!

Be well!