Live Fertile Principle #4: Transcendence

Last Sunday, I shared a new video all about the fourth principle in the Live Fertile Philosophy, Transcendence. I love that word. I really do (it was my word of the year in 2019. Do you do a word of the year? If so, let me know in the comments below)

What do you think of when you hear/ read, “Transcendence”? 

For me, it brings up thoughts and emotions of the things that go beyond the tangible. It's the intangible, the mystery that enlivens and calms all at the same time.

In a world filled with unknowns, it's the thing we can lean on even though we can't necessarily touch it.

It's the stuff you can't quite put into words but you know is important to your overall wellbeing and quality of life (and therefore your fertility too!)

 As you can see, it's darn-near impossible to put it into a box, which made planning and recording this video darn-near impossible. But despite that, I hope you'll be inspired and encouraged by it. 

 In it, I share why I think it's important that we embrace mystery and explore our spiritual health. Plus, I share a quick story from a lovely woman who shared how spiritual practices gave her peace while on the TTC journey.

If you watch it, I'd love to hear your thoughts on spirituality and fertility.

Hope you enjoy!

Be well!

Spirituality and Fertility Pin.png

Live Fertile Principle #5: Integrative Exploration


Overcoming My Fear of Infertility