PCOS Yoga | Calming Yoga for Hormone Balance

Hi there,

This week has been chaotic, to say the least.

Anxiety is a common symptom of PCOS, combined with the constant news about COVID-19, you might be feeling like you’re at your wit’s end.

Yoga’s ability to help soothe and calm is one of the main reasons I became a yoga teacher. I was already a dietitian working with PCOS, preconception, and infertility. Many of my clients shared how out of control and unsettled they felt because of their experiences with hormone imbalances and difficulty conceiving.

I knew yoga could help them make peace with their bodies and current life circumstances. So I got certified then took three additional specialty trainings in women’s health and fertility.

The research is clear on yoga for fertility and PCOS. It can improve symptoms like anxiety, menstrual irregularity, and unwanted hair growth. When it comes to fertility, it can improve quality of life and might significantly increase the chance of conceiving.

With the world completely flipped upside down, I know a lot of people are looking for a sense of grounding and peace. And if you are, I hope this video gives you just that.

Know that I’m always wishing you all the best.

Be well,


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